ABC Research
Despite the rate of incidence and the high levels of recurrence and mortality, bladder cancer has long been overlooked in terms of research spending. It has lagged behind other cancers and there have been few advances in new treatments or improvements in survival rates over the past thirty years. Other, less common cancers, have received support and resources and consequently have demonstrated a significant improvement in outcomes for patients. We want the same for bladder cancer patients.
Encouraging and supporting research into bladder cancer is one of our core aims as a charity.
ABC UK Grants
As well as participating in and supporting research, we also actively encourage and fund research.
Our small grants programmes - ABC UK IOPP and ABC UK Nursing Grants are now OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
ABC UK Improving Outcomes for Patients Programme 2025
Further information on the ABC UK - Improving Patient Outcomes Programme and ABC UK Nurses Grants Programme is on the ABC UK Grants page, together with Guidelines and Application Forms.
ABC UK Grants
As well as participating in and supporting research, we also actively encourage and fund research.
The ABC UK Improving Outcomes for Patients Programme 2022/2023 is now open, it closes on 28 February 2023. Our view of what constitutes research is broad but is aimed at work that would directly improve patient outcomes and experience. The programme focuses on small,innovative projects that can demonstrate clear outcomes and improve knowledge, enable change and have a direct impact on patient experience. This programme is aimed at encouraging work relating to bladder cancer by nurses, researchers, cancer specialists, and those in primary care.
Further information on the ABC UK - Improving Patient Outcomes Programme is on the ABCUK Grants page.
Clinical Trials
There arevarious clinical trials into bladder cancer in the UK, you can find out moreabout trials and how to find a trial here - Clinical Trials [linkto list of current Clinical Trials
We are also raising funding to support bladder cancer research - you can either donate now or help fundraise. [Link to Fundraising pages]
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Latest News / Events
7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting - 2025 registration now open! 06/11/2024
Early bird registration for the 7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting is now open! Join the University of Birmingham Bladder Cancer Research Centre and the Kings College London & Guys Hospital Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team (formerly Tr...