COVID Information

We shall be using this page to post useful links and information about COVID where appropriate, which we hope might be helpful for those with bladder cancer. 

If you have bladder cancer, you may be worried about how COVID will affect you. You should follow the advice of your bladder cancer healthcare team, and contact them if you have concerns.  

Those with cancer may be at a higher risk of infection, so please follow the advice to help reduce the risk of getting coronavirus. 


If you are having, or had had, BCG treatment you can still have a COVID vaccination.  You should check with your specialist nurse or medical team.

Some doctors suggest that it is best to:

  • Have a 2 week wait following the COVID vaccine before starting BCG treatment.
  • Have a 2 week wait following BCG treatment before you have the COVID vaccine.
  • If symptoms from your last BCG treatment persist beyond 2 weeks, it may be advisable to wait to have the COVID vaccine until these symptoms have settled.
  • Although prolonged symptoms from the COVID vaccine are rare, it may be advisable to delay the start of BCG until any such symptoms have settled.

As always, ABC UK would suggest you always check with your own medical team if you have any further questions.


ABC UK provides direct patient support by telephone or email. 


Telephone: 0300 302 0085


There is a lot of information about bladder cancer on our website and we also have a range of leaflets and information sheets.  All of these are available online on our Resources page or we can post you printed copies.



ABC UK ran two patient surveys in 2020 and 2021 to try to get information on how COVID-19 was impacting those with bladder cancer, and also what affect it was having on their treatments.  You can read the results of these surveys on our ABC UK research pages here: 

We shall be running further patient surveys in the future.

Well-Being - ABC UK's Information sheet:WELL BEING Bladder Cancer and Covid-19.pdf

Finance and Covid-19 - ABC UK's Information sheet  on money concerns: ABC UK Finance and Covid-19.pdf 


NHS Information on Coronavirus -

NHS 11 online - if you are showing symptoms of Coronavirus

CANCER RESEARCH UK - useful information for cancer patients and Covid-19:

Information from BAUS (British Association of Urological Surgeons) for bladder cancer patients: 

Government Information What you need to do:

Government guidance on shielding and protecting vulnerable persons from Covid-19:

Government guidance on social distancing 

 A group of cancer charities have issued this information sheet about cancer patients and coronavirus (this is not specific to bladder cancer patients but you may find some useful frequently asked questions): 

 Advice on Coronavirus for people with cancer 10 Mar 20.pdf


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