ABC UK Education Programme
ABC UK's mission is to raise awareness of bladder cancer to improve early diagnosis and outcomes. Unfortunately, bladder cancer is often detected late, especially in women, and it remains the only common cancer whose survival rates are not improving. We want this to change.
For those in primary and secondary healthcare, there are few opportunities for health professionals to improve their knowledge of bladder cancer. ABC UK aims to address this gap.
In September 2022, we ran our first full day event for specialist urology and cancer nurses. This event was so successful, and met such an enthusiastic response from the nearly 100 nurses who attended, that it prompted the launch of the permanent education programme which is now a core ABC UK activity alongside our direct work to support patients.
The annual ABC UK Education Programme includes a major Nurses' Education Event and a supporting programme of other learning opportunities, resources and networking. You can see information on our past events, and news of forthcoming events on the Nurse Education page.
Our Primary Care Education programme launched in 2023 with a free webinar covering bladder cancer diagnosis, symptoms, and referral criteria. As further support, we develop a range of specialist resources, including the highly practical Primary Care Bladder Cancer Symptoms Guide and the ABC UK Guide to Haematuria.
The latest addition to the programme is a free online learning module designed to enhance GP's understanding of the epidemiology of bladder cancer, identify risk factors, recognise how the disease presents, and learn how bladder cancer is investigated and managed in secondary care. Find out more.
If you are a healthcare professional with ideas or recommendations for learning opportunities or resources we should develop, please contact us at
MAILING LIST: If you would like to be added to our health professional mailing list for education events and news, please email with your contact details, including hospital or practice and your role.
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