ABC UK Surveys
ABC UK COVID-19 Patient Surveys 2020-2021
COVID-19 has had a serious impact on cancer diagnosis, treatment and monitoring.
ABC UK wanted to try to try to gauge this impact on bladder cancer patients and also the effects of the pandemic on testing, treatment, monitoring and general well-being.
We ran a first COVID-19 Patient Survey in May/June 2020. Following this with a second survey in January/May 2021, to monitor how the pandemic continued to affect bladder cancer patients and to help us learn what the longer-term implications may be. Reports of the results of both surveys are below.
The surveys were developed and reviewed by the ABC UK team working, as always, with bladder cancer patients and clinicians. The anonymous surveys were open to all UK bladder cancer patients over 18 and resident in the UK.
ABC UK is pleased to have worked with The Translational Oncology and Urology Research (TOUR) team at Kings College London on both surveys.
We are very grateful to the bladder cancer patients who took the time to complete these surveys.
This ABC UK research will also prove valuable in helping ABC UK ensure it provides the right support and information for patients and inform how we can best support the NHS, and other organisations, to provide safe services for people with bladder cancer. ABC UK undertakes, and funds, research and will be running further surveys and studies.
Please contact Action Bladder Cancer UK on 0300 302 0085 or if you would like more information.
Summary results of the 2020 ABC UK COVID-19 Patient Survey here Covid - 19 Survey Summary Results .pdf
Summary results of the 2021 ABC UK COVID-19 Patient Survey: COVID 19 Bladder Cancer Survey 2 Final.pdf
Read article in British Journal of Urology International Nov 2020
These COVID-19 surveys are the first of a regular series of ABC UK surveys - amongst both patients and health professionals - as part of our important work in learning more about the experience and needs of those with bladder cancer, helping to support health professionals and improving outcomes for patients.
If you are interested in our survey work - whether as a patient or health professional or researcher, and would like to register interest in future ABC UK surveys, please email us on (please put Surveys in the email title).
Thank you...
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