Set up a Support Group

There are many parts of the UK without easy access to an active support group for bladder cancer patients.  We are working to change that.

If you are thinking about setting up a support group (perhaps you are a health professional such as a cancer nursing specialist at a main hospital) there are some short tips on what to consider on the Advice and Tips page. 

Contact us for advice on setting up a new patient support group.

However, if you actively interested in starting a group, we can offer more detailed advice and constructive help - we can help with making any necessary contacts and in engaging the right people at your local major hospital, we can give you lots of help and guidance with the admin of starting a group, we can make a visit and talk about how you can get started and share ideas and best practice, and provide information materials.  We're here to provide advice and help as you go along.

If you would like to talk about how ABC UK can help you with setting up a bladder cancer patient support group, please get in touch with us on

ABC UK Speakers

If your group is already running and you would like a representative of ABC UK to come and be a speaker at one of your meetings, get in touch.  We'd be delighted to come and talk about our work - and to ask your group members what they would like us to do for them, and to talk about how patients can get more involved with ABC UK.  We're always happy to talk to existing groups about how we can work together and what ABC UK can do to help support groups.

Contact us on 

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