Corporate Support

Employee fundraising

make us your company charity and raise funds to help our work - have a look at our fundraising ideas to find out more.  Get in touch on

Payroll Giving

If your company runs a payroll giving scheme, nominate us as your chosen charity.  Ask your HR department about payroll giving.

Company Donations, Sponsorship and Gifts in Kind

Companies can also support our work by making a company charitable donation, providing gifts in kind or corporate sponsorship.  We value our partnerships with our corporate supporters and you can help us make a difference. Contact: for more information Read our statement on working with pharmaceutical and medical supply companies Corporate-Statement-2016.pdf

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Muscle invasive bladder cancer - challenges around the pathway of care webinar - 15th July 2024 04/06/2024

Muscle invasive bladder cancer - challenges around the pathway of care A Nurses' Bladder Cancer Education Webinar This webinar will be presented by Helen Johnson who is a urology oncology clinical nurse specialist at the Christie Hospital in Manchester. She has been a CNS for ...

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