Fundraising Support
Fundraising Tips!
We have worked alongside a lot of fundraisers who weren't sure where to start, so we have put some of our best tips together to help with your planning!
1. Choose what you are going to do!
See our fundraising ideas page if you are stuck, or contact us at
2. Plan your event
Set your date, and make sure you don't have any clashes with any major events. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to organise everything. Make a checklist and use that as a guide to know exactly what needs to be done.
3. Raise money
Set yourself a fundraising goal. This will motivate yourself to get the word out there and complete your event, and it will also encourage your friends and family to help you reach it too.
Fundraising online:
Set up a JustGiving or an Enthuse fundraising page and make sure to include Action Bladder Cancer UK as your charity to donate to. This makes sure the funds come straight to our charity when your event is over. We suggest you personalise your page with a photo and your reason for supporting us, plus updates with the organisation for your event too!
Sponsorship Form:
You can use a sponsorship form to fundraise for Action Bladder Cancer UK, if you don't want to fundraise online. Simply collect the funds and send it to us after your event.
4. Promote your fundraising!
Get sharing your event on social media, and share with friends, family and colleagues! Please let us know too. We love promoting our supporters' events. Send your info to and don't forget to tag Action Bladder Cancer UK on Facebook and on Twitter!
Check with local businesses if they would be interested in supporting you. It could be through sponsorship, donating a prize or a gift for your fundraiser or simply having a collection tin out in their store.
Fundraising Ideas!
Arts and crafts: Get together for an afternoon of craft making or sell your items at a community stall or market.
Host a coffee morning: Invite your friends over, pop the kettle on and put out some treats! You could do this in the office too!

Give up something: Chocolate is the most popular food to give up, but there are many options!
Dye, cut or shave your hair! We have recently had 3 amazing ladies shave their hair together to raise money for Action Bladder Cancer UK. It's a brilliant way to raise money, and to show support for those that lose their hair during chemotherapy.
Jumble sale or selling on online auction sites: Do you have unwanted items in your home, in a good condition? Sell them online, or create a stall for friends and family to buy from.
Music: You could organise a music night (perhaps karaoke or a band) and sell tickets. Another popular one!
Office fundraising: There are many options here - baking, coffee morning, a quiz, dress up day...!
Cheese night: Recently we have had fundraisers organise a cheese night in their pub!
Quiz night: Speak to your local pub about organsing a quiz night to raise funds for ABC UK!
Sports: This covers many areas - but you could sign up to many different sporting events across the country and raise money for Action Bladder Cancer UK at the same time.
You could decide to do your own thing - book in a sky dive, or create your own running distance and do this with friends or colleagues. Perhaps a sponsored swim!
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