About Bladder Cancer
We are dedicated to helping people understand more about bladder cancer and strive to provide accurate and up to date information about bladder cancer and related issues.
You can find information about various aspects of bladder cancer, treatments and other issues here. However, please use this information as an additional resource - we are unable to give personal medical advice and it is always important that you discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your doctor, specialist or nurse.
The content on these pages gets regularly updated as we add new information and develop resources. Our aim is for the information on this website to be as patient friendly as possible. We are always looking to improve all that we do, so if you have any suggestions on how to improve our information (this might be in terms of how it looks, the level of detail, clarity or use of medical ‘jargon') or there are things you would like to see on our website, then please do let us know- Contact us
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Latest News / Events
7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting - 2025 registration now open! 06/11/2024
Early bird registration for the 7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting is now open! Join the University of Birmingham Bladder Cancer Research Centre and the Kings College London & Guys Hospital Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team (formerly Tr...