Be Clear on Cancer
Be Clear on Cancer campaign calls for people to "tell their doctor" if they notice blood in their pee.
On 19th July, a Be Clear on Cancer campaign will launch to raise awareness of ‘blood in pee' as a key symptom of bladder and kidney cancer.
The campaign is urging people to tell their doctor straight away if they notice blood in their pee, even if it's just once. The chances are it's nothing serious, but blood in pee is a key symptom for both bladder and kidney cancers and these cancers are more treatable if they are found early.
Knowing the symptoms of bladder and kidney cancers and going to see the doctor if you have any of them could save your life. If your symptoms persist, go back to your doctor - they will want to see you.
If you don't check, you may not notice blood in your pee. So, remember to look before you flush the toilet and if you notice blood in your pee - even if it's just once - tell your doctor.
For more information, visit
For more information about bladder cancer symptoms, see ABCUK BLADDER CANCER SYMPTOMS.pdfHow we help you
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