Ways to donate
We rely on your donations to help provide support for bladder cancer patients, to improve symptom awareness and improve early diagnosis and to support and encourage much-needed research into bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is not a rare cancer, however awareness levels are low, it is seriously under-funded in terms of research, diagnosis is often late, treatments have not significantly improved over the past 30 years and treatments can often be complex. There is an urgent need for more attention to be paid to bladder cancer and to bladder cancer patients. Please help us in our work.
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Latest News / Events
7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting - 2025 registration now open! 06/11/2024
Early bird registration for the 7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting is now open! Join the University of Birmingham Bladder Cancer Research Centre and the Kings College London & Guys Hospital Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team (formerly Tr...