Living With Bladder Cancer
Adjusting to life with and beyond bladder cancer can sometimes be difficult. It can be something of an emotional rollercoaster, and there can also be some purely practical issues that you could do with some help in handling.
ABC UK have a range of materials for those living with bladder cancer. New information materials are regularly being added on different topics. All of these resources can be downloaded and printed off from the links below or, if you would prefer to have printed copies, just get in touch with us on or call us on 0300 302 0085
You can also order any of our materials by using the online order form
Other organisations which can provide information and support
The list below provides links to some other organisations that might be a useful source of advice and information.
Anti-Coagulation Europe
National charity working to prevent thrombosis including cancer-associated thrombosis; including the provision of information, education and raising awareness. >> Visit the website
Bladder andBowel Foundation
National charity for people with bowel and bladder concerns » Visit the website
Bladder and Bowel Community - Just Can't Wait Card
You can order a free toilet access card online - assists with access to your closest toilet, helps explain and avoid a potentially embarrassing situation quickly
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN)
USAbased information and support website >>Visitthe website
CancerAdvice » Visit the website
Cancer Counselling Trust
The CCT has now closed, however there is information and archived articles on their website » Visit the website
Cancer Help UK
Information for patients about cancer and cancer care from Cancer Research UK » Visit the website
CISS - Cancer Information & Support Services
Charity focused on cancer support in SW Wales >>Visit the website
Cancer Research UK
Information about cancer, statistics and details of current clinical trials » Visitthe website
Cancer Support Scotland >>Visit the website
Fight Bladder Cancer
Fight Bladder Cancer a charity for people with bladder cancer to provide support and non-medical advice to each other. They also have a confidential chat forum on Facebook
Institute of Cancer Research
Cancer research institute, the ICR is also a higher education institution and a college of the University of London » Visit the website
Macmillan Cancer Support
National charity supporting cancer patients and their families. Helpline:0808 808 0000 >>Visitthe website
Macmillan - practical tips
Useful advice on issues such as finances, benefits, insurance and travel >>Visit the website
Macmillan inScotland >>Visitthe website
Marie Curie Cancer Centre
National charity providing care for patients in the community and in hospices » Visit the website
Mitrofanoff Support Home | Mitrofanoff Support
My CancerTreatment
Guide to NHS cancer services across England >>Visitthe website
NHS Choices
NHS patient website » Visit the website
NHS Choices- Living with Cancer
This section of the NHS Choices website provides links to various resources and sources of advice on specific issues such as life after your cancer diagnosis, and where to find support with social care >>Visit the website
NHS Friends & Families Test
A quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving care or treatment across NHS services, to help providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. >>Visit the Website
Patient UK
Independent patient information website » Visitthe website
Prostate Cancer UK
Information,one to one support and helpline for those with prostate cancer. Helpline 0800 074 8383 >>Visit the website
Tackle Prostate Cancer
Information and support on prostate cancer >>Visit the website
Urostomy Association
Offer support, reassurance and practical information to anyone who may be about to undergo, or who has already had surgery resulting in a urostomy, continent urinary pouch or a neo-bladder » Visit the website
British Association of Urological Nurses (BAUN) >>Visit the website
British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) » Visitthe website
European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS)
British Uro-oncology Group (BUG) » Visit the website
Primary Care Urology Society (PCUS)
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Latest News / Events
7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting - 2025 registration now open! 06/11/2024
Early bird registration for the 7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting is now open! Join the University of Birmingham Bladder Cancer Research Centre and the Kings College London & Guys Hospital Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team (formerly Tr...