Debra Shaverin


Debra is undertaking the 100km London2Cambridge Challenge in July 2016.  Yes, that's right - 100km!  She's never done anything like this before, but wanted to choose something which took her out of her comfort zone.  She lost her grandfather to bladder cancer in February 2016.

This is what Debra says about why she is doing such a challenge...

‘My Grandad was a strong man, even right at the end of his life, and because of this I wanted to do something that for me would be the ultimate test on my strength. Running 100km (2 marathons and a bit!) in one go seemed like the ultimate, albeit ridiculous test. It will take me roughly 15 hours of running, with a brief rest stop half way to eat something, and is mostly off road on trails. This means that if it rains in the run up to the big day it will be that bit harder!

The charity I have chosen is Action Bladder Cancer (ABC UK).   I chose them because they are UK based and are dedicated to improving the lives of those who have been diagnosed with the disease.  It is the 4th most common cancer in men and the 11th in women.

ABC are doing amazing things for those affected with this type of cancer, and after seeing it impact someone I love I can't think of a more worthwhile cause.'





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