Ted Hayes


Sally Colley, Ted's Daughter, pulled together a team of runners, to take part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2019.  

My Dad, Ted Hayes, sadly passed away in late 2016 due to Bladder Cancer. He was super fit and healthy - still snowboarding, participating in sprint triathlons and playing hockey for the England senior squad at 71. The cancer just came from nowhere and it was a real shock to everyone.

Since it happened, as a family, we have raised awareness and funds for the amazing teams that supported us through the 6 months of his illness. But we hadn't done anything specifically for Bladder Cancer. When I heard about Action Bladder Cancer UK (ABC UK) and the work they do I knew I wanted to support them.

I've got some incredible people in my life and some are crazy enough to selflessly run 21.3km to help others. We set up a team, including me, my husband Chris and 2 brilliant friends Nia and Danny, to run in the London Landmarks Half Marathon (LLHM) in memory of my dad.

As training progressed, I had to find someone to take my spot due to injury. Another selfless amazing friend Grant (who had never run a half marathon) stepped into my place in February.

We had so much fun getting involved and it was great it was to be a part of the LLHM for ABC UK. Everyone, both cheering and running, truly had a wonderful day and were proud to be representing such a fantastic charity.

The cheering team on the day spotted runners throughout the race as they dashed between different mile markers. Even our new puppy Stella came out to cheer on people and she certainly brightened some faces around the 9 and 11 mile markers!
Personally, I was really sad not to be able to run as this is a cause very close to my heart. I wish I had been able to do the run but my injury (I'm actually 12 weeks pregnant!) just meant it wasn't supposed to be this year. I certainly shed a few tears on the day with pride and admiration for all the amazing people taking part to support others - obviously especially this group.
Our fundraising total is now just over £2000, including gift aid, and we know every penny is going to such a worthy cause. Thank you for the amazing work you do at ABC UK.

And a big thank you from ABC UK to Sally and the rest of the team.  The other runners in ABC UK's LLHM team were Jeremy Crew (ABC UK Vice Chair and urologist), his daughter and other medical colleagues.  A great team!

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