Muscle invasive bladder cancer - challenges around the pathway of care webinar - 15th July 2024

Muscle invasive bladder cancer - challenges around the pathway of care
A Nurses' Bladder Cancer Education Webinar
This webinar will be presented by Helen Johnson who is a urology oncology clinical nurse specialist at the Christie Hospital in Manchester. She has been a CNS for over 20 years and is currently carrying out research into muscle invasive bladder cancer pathways and has a particular interest in treatment decision making.
This event is for Urology Nurses and Clinical Nurse Specialists who may already be treating those with bladder cancer and is also open to nurses wishing to expand their knowledge of bladder cancer and who may be working in other areas of urology or cancer care.
Please register here:
and you will be sent full event details, including the link to join the webinar on the day.
If you have any questions please email -
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