Nurse Education Day Presentations 2024
- Psychosexual and Relationship Support: Urology Lead Nurse for Bart's Health
- Sexual Function in Bladder Cancer Patients: Past, Present & Future: Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Outlining evidence and practice patterns concerning sexual function and recovery in bladder cancer patients.
- Surgical Considerations for Choice of Reconstruction after Cystectomy: Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
This presentation discusses the challenges faced as a surgeon when performing cystectomy surgery and the appropriate assessment required in identifying choice of reconstruction. - Nursing Considerations for Choice of Reconstruction after Cystectomy: Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Outlining the role of the specialist nurse in assessing and counselling patients requiring cystectomy surgery. The presentation explores the shared decision-making process while considering the patient's individual needs. - Managing Long-term Side Effects of BCG: Oxford University Hospitals
A holistic overview to address complex side effects of BCG therapy.
Exemplar Practice Presentations
Short presentations showcasing exemplar nurse-led services across the UK.
- Exemplar Practice, Bladder Cancer CNS: Newcastle upon Tyne Foundation Trust
- Exemplar Practice, Charing Cross Hospital: Urology Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Exemplar Practice, East Sussex Healthcare NHS: Trust Nurse Consultant
- Exemplar Practice, Bladder Cancer ANP: Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation Trust
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7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting - 2025 registration now open! 06/11/2024
Early bird registration for the 7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting is now open! Join the University of Birmingham Bladder Cancer Research Centre and the Kings College London & Guys Hospital Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team (formerly Tr...