Nurse of the Year Award
Is there a nurse in your team who has done exceptional work in supporting bladder cancer patients, or helping to improve their experience?
Here is the opportunity for colleagues to nominate an individual nurse who you think deserves a special mention. They might write the newsletter, run the support group, organise well-being events or have come up with a great idea on how to improve the patient experience for those with bladder cancer.
We know the great contribution made by specialist nurses to improving both patient care and treatment pathways. Let us know about someone who has gone above and beyond, and what they have done!
Nominating your brilliant colleague is simple. Complete the simple nomination form and return it to us.
The winner of the ABC UK Nurse of the Year Award 2025 will be announced at our annual ABC UK Nurse Education Day in September 2025. It will also be announced in a press release and on our social media.
The winner will receive up to £500 value of support to go towards further education - this might be conference fees, travel, books etc (refunded on receipts).
The winner will also receive a £100 shopping voucher to use however they wish - as a thank you and in recognition of their excellent work.
All nomination forms must be countersigned by line manager or a senior member of the team. Deadline for nominations is 31 July 2025.
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