Patient Choices
There may be points during the course of being treated for bladder cancer where you need to make a decision about what treatment to have. These can sometimes be difficult choices to make and we would always advise you to ask your doctor, specialist or nurse any questions you may have.
Patient Decision Aid
However, we believe that there is not enough information or guidance available for patients when faced with such decisions, and we are frequently contacted by patients (or family members) seeking information and reassurance.
ABC UK has developed a Patient Aid to help patients with these decisions.
This Decision Aid could be very useful to High Risk NMIBC patients and their families when considering the available treatment options and to help these patients decide what treatment to choose after their diagnosis.
This Aid can also be used by your urologist or specialist nurse to explain the possible choices and help patients reach a decision.
You can download the online Decision Aid here - ABC-BLADDER-DECISION-AID-A5.pdf
We will also have printed copies available shortly. If you would like a printed copy, or if you are a health professional who would like to order copies for your patients, please contact us on
Questions to ask your doctor or care team
At different stages in your treatment for bladder cancer, you may have many questions and you should always ask your doctor or nurse, or other member of your care team, if there is anything you are concerned about or you wish to understand better.
We have compiled a list of sample questions which you may find helpful when talking to your doctor or a member of your care team about your bladder cancer.
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