The outlook (or prognosis) for people diagnosed with bladder cancer varies from person to person, depending on how far the cancer has grown into the wall of the bladder ("stage"), how aggressive the cancer cells look under the microscope ("grade"), and whether it has spread outside of the bladder or not. The type of bladder cancer also has some influence on the risk of dying from the disease.
The following page looks at survival rates for different stages of bladder cancer. Not everyone who is diagnosed with a cancer wants to know this information. The statistics and outlook information that follows is just a general guide and so cannot predict what will happen to you personally. Everyone's medical circumstances, response to treatment and individual outlook is different.
You might not want to read statistics about general survival rates by stage of cancer, some people would rather not.
Please do remember that statistics cannot tell you what will happen to you personally.
Many individual factors have an influence on how you will respond to your treatment. If you would like further information and support, please discuss your personal circumstances with your own medical team.
If you would like to read further information about the statistical risks of bladder cancer, please click here.
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7th Bladder Cancer Translational Research Meeting - 2025 registration now open! 06/11/2024
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